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Available props:

  • board-config - an object to configure the board
  • player-color - the color of the player who is allowed to move
  • reactive-config - boolean value, whether the board config should be reactive or not

board-config: Configure the chessboard

To edit the chessboard you can pass a configuration object to the component. Here are all the available options with their default values. Just update the values the values you want to overwrite.

  fen: 'rnbqkbnr/pppppppp/8/8/8/8/PPPPPPPP/RNBQKBNR w KQkq - 0 1', // the position to start from as a string
  orientation: 'white', // the orientation of the board
  turnColor: 'white', // the color which starts the game
  coordinates: true, // enable or disable board coordinates
  autoCastle: true, // simplify castling move
  viewOnly: false, // allow or disallow moves on the board
  disableContextMenu: false, // enable/ disable the context menu
  addPieceZIndex: false,
  blockTouchScroll: false,
  highlight: {
    lastMove: true, // highlight the last move on the board
    check: true, // highlight king in check
  animation: { // modify piece animations
    enabled: true,
    duration: 200,
  lastMove: undefined, // this should not be modified
  movable: {
    free: false, // set to true any move is allowed, if false only legal moves
    color: 'white',
    showDests: true,
    dests: possibleMovesWhite,
    events: {},
    rookCastle: true,
  premovable: {
    enabled: true,
    showDests: true,
    castle: true,
    events: {},
  predroppable: {
    enabled: false,
    events: {},
  draggable: {
    enabled: true,
    distance: 3,
    autoDistance: true,
    showGhost: true,
    deleteOnDropOff: false,
  selectable: {
    enabled: true,
  events: {},
  drawable: {
    enabled: true,
    visible: true,
    defaultSnapToValidMove: true,
    eraseOnClick: true,
    shapes: [],
    autoShapes: [],
    brushes: {
      green: { key: 'g', color: '#15781B', opacity: 1, lineWidth: 10 },
      red: { key: 'r', color: '#882020', opacity: 1, lineWidth: 10 },
      blue: { key: 'b', color: '#003088', opacity: 1, lineWidth: 10 },
      yellow: { key: 'y', color: '#e68f00', opacity: 1, lineWidth: 10 },
      paleBlue: { key: 'pb', color: '#003088', opacity: 0.4, lineWidth: 15 },
      paleGreen: { key: 'pg', color: '#15781B', opacity: 0.4, lineWidth: 15 },
      paleRed: { key: 'pr', color: '#882020', opacity: 0.4, lineWidth: 15 },
      paleGrey: {
        key: 'pgr',
        color: '#4a4a4a',
        opacity: 0.35,
        lineWidth: 15,

Passing the config object to the board

If you dont pass a config object, the default config shown above will be used. It's not required to set all properties. Your object will be merged with the default config.

Example setting the config object

<script setup>
import { TheChessboard } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

const boardConfig = {
  coordinates: false,
  autoCastle: false,
  orientation: 'black',

  <TheChessboard :board-config="boardConfig" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { TheChessboard, type BoardConfig } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

const boardConfig: BoardConfig = {
  coordinates: false,
  autoCastle: false,
  orientation: 'black',

  <TheChessboard :board-config="boardConfig" />

The board should then look like this:

player-color: Configure the board for multiplayer

The board can accept a player-color prop to denote the color that the corresponding client should be allowed to play. Moves from a players opponent can be applied to the board with the BoardApi's move method - the turns will switch once the move method is called with a valid fen string. If no value is provided, turns will switch locally.

<script setup>
import { TheChessboard } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

let boardApi;

// Client will only be able to play white pieces.
const playerColor = 'white';

// Recieve move from socket/server/etc here.
function onRecieveMove(move) {

    @board-created="(api) => (boardApi = api)"
<script setup lang="ts">
import {
  type BoardConfig,
  type BoardApi,
  type MoveableColor,
} from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

let boardApi: BoardApi | undefined;

// Client will only be able to play white pieces.
const playerColor: MoveableColor = 'white';

// Recieve move from socket/server/etc here.
function onRecieveMove(move: string) {

    @board-created="(api) => (boardApi = api)"

reactive-config: Using a reactive config object

The TheChessboard component can accept a reactive-config prop to allow the board-config prop to be reactive to changes. Any mutations of the board-config prop will propagate to changes of the board config. This works with nested properties in a non-destructive way, i.e. setting boardConfig.draggable = { distance: 10, showGhost: false } won't affect the other properties of draggable on the actual board config, such as draggable.enabled. However, it will change the "default state" of the board so that if boardAPI.resetBoard() is called the current state of the board-config prop is considered to be the provided config, as if it was passed at the time of instantiation of the TheChessboard component.

Note that prop mutation is a one-way flow of data, so the state of the board-config prop won't necessarily reflect the state of the actual board config. For example, as the game progresses the fen property of the board-config prop will not update. Use the boardAPI to retrieve values.

See the following example for how one might make use of this feature:

<script setup>
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { TheChessboard } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

const boardConfig = reactive({
  coordinates: true,
  viewOnly: false,
  animation: { enabled: true },
  draggable: { enabled: true },

  <TheChessboard :board-config="boardConfig" reactive-config />
    <button @click="boardConfig.coordinates = !boardConfig.coordinates">
      Toggle coordinates
    <button @click="boardConfig.viewOnly = !boardConfig.viewOnly">
      Toggle view only
      @click="boardConfig.animation.enabled = !boardConfig.animation.enabled"
      Toggle animations
      @click="boardConfig.draggable.enabled = !boardConfig.draggable.enabled"
      Toggle draggable
<script setup lang="ts">
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { TheChessboard, type BoardConfig } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

const boardConfig: BoardConfig = reactive({
  coordinates: true,
  viewOnly: false,
  animation: { enabled: true },
  draggable: { enabled: true },

  <TheChessboard :board-config="boardConfig" reactive-config />
    <button @click="boardConfig.coordinates = !boardConfig.coordinates">
      Toggle coordinates
    <button @click="boardConfig.viewOnly = !boardConfig.viewOnly">
      Toggle view only
      @click="boardConfig.animation!.enabled = !boardConfig.animation!.enabled"
      Toggle animations
      @click="boardConfig.draggable!.enabled = !boardConfig.draggable!.enabled"
      Toggle draggable

The board should then look like this: