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Board API

The boardApi can be used to modify and retrieve information from the board. You can access the api when listening for the @board-created event.


<script setup>
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { TheChessboard } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

let boardAPI;

// access the boardAPI in the onMounted hook
onMounted(() => {

  <TheChessboard @board-created="(api) => (boardAPI = api)" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted } from 'vue';
import { TheChessboard, type BoardApi } from 'vue3-chessboard';
import 'vue3-chessboard/style.css';

let boardAPI: BoardApi | undefined;

// access the boardAPI in the onMounted hook
onMounted(() => {

  <TheChessboard @board-created="(api) => (boardAPI = api)" />

Here is a list of all the available methods:
 * Resets the board to the initial starting configuration.
resetBoard(): void;

 * undo last move, if possible
undoLastMove(): void;

 * returns the current material count for white, black and the diff.
 * If diff > 0 white is leading, else black.
getMaterialCount(): MaterialDifference;

 * Finds all the captured pieces from the game history.
 * Note: results may be innaccurate if game history has been lost, eg. if
 * setPosition has been called.
 * @returns an object with white and black properties whose values are arrays
 * of all the pieces captured by that player this game.
getCapturedPieces(): CapturedPieces;

 * toggles the board orientation.
toggleOrientation(): void;

 * draws arrows and circles on the board for possible moves/captures
drawMoves(): void;

 * removes arrows and circles from the board for possible moves/captures
hideMoves(): void;

 * draws an arrow on the board
drawMove(orig: Square, dest: Square, brushColor: BrushColor): void;

 * toggle drawing of arrows and circles on the board for possible moves/captures
toggleMoves(): void;

 * returns the opening name for the current position from lichess api
getOpeningName(): Promise<string | null>;

 * make a move programmatically on the board
 * @param move either a string in Standard Algebraic Notation (SAN), eg. 'e4', 'exd5', 'O-O', 'Nf3' or 'e8=Q'
 * or an object of shape { from: string; to: string; promotion?: string; }, eg. { from: 'g8', to: 'f6' } or
 * { from: 'e7', to: 'e8', promotion: 'q'}
 * @returns true if the move was made, false if the move was illegal
move(move: string | { from: Key; to: Key; promotion?: Promotion; }): boolean;

 * returns the current turn color
 * @returns 'white' or 'black'
getTurnColor(): Color;

 * returns all possible moves for the current position
getPossibleMoves(): Map<Key, Key[]> | undefined;

 * @returns the current turn number
 * @example e4 e5 -> turn number is 2 now
getCurrentTurnNumber(): number;

 * @returns the current ply number
 * @example e4 e5 Nf3 -> ply number is 3
getCurrentPlyNumber(): number;

 * returns the latest move made on the board
getLastMove(): MoveEvent | undefined;

 * Retrieves the move history.
 * @param verbose - passing true will add more info
 * @example Verbose: [{"color": "w", "from": "e2", "to": "e4", "flags": "b", "piece": "p", "san": "e4"}],  without verbose flag: [ "e7", "e5" ]
getHistory(verbose?: boolean): MoveEvent[] | string[];

 * Returns the FEN string for the current position.
getFen(): string;

 * Returns the board position as a 2D array.
getBoardPosition(): ({
  type: PieceType;
  color: PieceColor;
  square: Square;
} | null)[][];

 * returns the PGN string for the current position.
getPgn(): string;

 * returns true of false depending on if the game is over
getIsGameOver(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a player is checkmated
getIsCheckmate(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a player is in check
getIsCheck(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a player is in stalemate
getIsStalemate(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a game is drawn
getIsDraw(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a game is drawn by threefold repetition
getIsThreefoldRepetition(): boolean;

 * returns true or false depending on if a game is drawn by insufficient material
getIsInsufficientMaterial(): boolean;

 * returns the color of a given square
getSquareColor(square: Square): SquareColor;

 * Returns the piece on the square or null if there is no piece
getSquare(square: Square): Piece | null;

 * loads a fen into the board
 * Caution: this will erase the game history. To set position with history call loadPgn with a pgn instead
setPosition(fen: string): void;

 * puts a piece on a given square on the board
 * returns true on success, else false
putPiece(piece: Piece, square: Square): boolean;

 * removes all pieces from the board
clearBoard(): void;

 * draw multiple arrows on the board
setShapes(shapes: DrawShape[]): void;

 * loads a pgn into the board
 * @param pgn - the pgn to load
loadPgn(pgn: string): void;

 * returns the header information of the current pgn, if no pgn is loaded, returns an empty object
 * @example {
 * "Event": "IBM Kasparov vs. Deep Blue Rematch",
 * "Site": "New York, NY USA",
 * "Date": "1997.05.11",
 * "Round": "6",
 * "White": "Deep Blue",
 * "Black": "Kasparov, Garry",
 * "Opening": "Caro-Kann: 4...Nd7",
 * "ECO": "B17",
 * "Result": "1-0"
 * }
getPgnInfo(): {
  [key: string]: string | undefined;

 * Sets the config of the board.
 * Caution: providing a config with a fen will erase the game history and change the starting position
 * for resetBoard. To keep history and starting position: omit fen from the given config and call
 * loadPgn with a pgn instead.
 * @param config - a subset of config options, eg. `{ viewOnly: true, animation: { enabled: false } }`
 * or `{ movable: { events: { after: afterFunc }, showDests: false }, drawable: { enabled: false } }`
 * @param fillDefaults - if true unprovided config options will be substituted with default values, if
 * false the unprovided options will remain unchanged.
setConfig(config: BoardConfig, fillDefaults = false): void;

 * Views the position at the given ply number in the game's history.
 * @param ply - the ply number of the position to be viewed, where 0 is the initial position, 1 is
 * after white's first move, 2 is after black's first move and so on.
viewHistory(ply: number): void;

 * Stops viewing history and returns the board to the present position, ie. after the latest move.
stopViewingHistory(): void;

 * Views the starting position of this game.
viewStart(): void;

 * If viewing history, views the move after the one currently being viewed.
 * If that move is the latest move, stops viewing history.
viewNext(): void;

 * If viewing history, views the previous move to the one currently being viewed.
 * Else, starts viewing history and views the move previous to the latest move.
viewPrevious(): void;

Example Board API Usage


Example Game History Viewer Usage

When viewing game history, the viewingHistory class is applied to the main-wrap element. This allows custom styles to be applied to the board only when viewing the history (by default, the board is desaturated).